Compound at SF Blockchain Week
SF Blockchain Week begins next Monday, and Compound is excited to participate. Find us at the following events:
Presenting on the Technical Stage at Epicenter, on 10/31
Judging and Mentoring at the DeFi Hackathon, on 11/3
And attending / supporting many side events thrown by friends of Compound, throughout the week.
If you see a team member, come say hello. And if you’re developing or interested in developing a project on top of Compound, definitely come say hello! We’d love to help.
Compound Interface Translated Into 中文

Compound has launched a Chinese version of its supply and borrow interface, with translation assistance from the imToken team.
Users can access the Compound Chinese translation directly at and users of the imToken mobile wallet will be automatically directed to either the Chinese or English interface based on the language selected in the imToken app.
Eidoo Wallet & Exchange Integrates Compound

Eidoo, a crypto asset wallet and exchange, has integrated Compound into their application. Users can swap DAI for cDAI or USDC for cUSDC directly through Eidoo’s “Swap” functionality, and track interest earned on a block-by-block basis. Eidoo plans to continue adding more cToken pairs over time.
LSDai Launches

LSDai has launched, enabling users to bet on the direction and magnitude of the supply interest rate for the cDAI market on Compound by acquiring tokens representing long-interest rate or short-interest rate positions. The project was originally developed at ETHBerlin. Compound is excited to follow and support its progress, and the progress of similar projects and developers building financial meta-markets on the Compound protocol.

Total supply is currently at $158.8 million from 12,500+ suppliers. Total borrowing is at $42.1 million from 1,200+ borrowers.
The three largest suppliers this week minted $3.7 million of cDAI, cETH, and cUSDC; $1.2 million of cDAI; and $700k of cUSDC. The three largest borrowers this week borrowed $700k of USDC; $450k of DAI, USDC, and ZRX; and $200k of DAI and USDC.
For live figures please refer to our /markets page.
CoinMarketCap now publishes Compound’s interest rates (among others).
StablePay, a decentralized crypto donations/payments platform, launches with cDAI support.
PoolDAI, built on Compound, enables users to direct interest income wherever they choose - a no-loss donation.
DexWallet offers credit card-to-crypto on-ramp, and supports Compound/cTokens.
▶️ YouTube: How to lend DAI & ETH on Compound from IMineBlocks.
Kyber Virtual Hackathon ends in just 7 days! Check out the details here if you would like to participate. Compound is offering $5,000 in cDAI in prizes!